May 30, 2012

How to find All Usr Layer Element in AOT

How to Find all the elements which in present in USR layer

To find all USR layer elements in AOT , you can write job with following code, when you will run this job it will create a new project named "TheAxapta_UsrObject". In this Project you find all elements which is present in USR layer by individual grouping. This a good way to find all USR element.

static void FilterBasedOnLayers(Args _args)

    sysprojectfilterrunbase upgradeproject;
    utilelements            theelements;

    upgradeproject = new sysprojectfilterrunbase();

    while select name, utilLevel, RecordType, ParentId from theelements

    where theelements.utilLevel == UtilEntryLevel::usr

        catch (exception::Error)
            throw error('error');



When this job is finished you get a new project in your Share Project node.

May 29, 2012

How to convert a Amount in Words

Hi Folks,

This code will work for the report as well as Forms also.  Of course this a lengthy code but you can write this in a class also for reuse this code.


May 28, 2012

Join Two Tables at Run Time

How to join Two tables at RunTime, without using Datasource

static void QueryJoin2Tables(Args _agrs)
AxTestTable1 AxTestTable1;  // Table 1
AxTestTable2 AxTestTable2;  // another table which you want to join with table 1
Query q;
QueryBuildDataSource qbdAxTestTable1, qbdAxTestTable2;  // objects for both tables
QueryBuildRange qbr;
QueryRun qr;

        q = new Query(); //to make a new query

qbdAxTeatTable2 = q.addDataSource(tablenum(AxTestTable2)); // To Add table to query


         qbdAxTeatTable1 = qbdAxTestTable2.adddataSource(tablenum(AxTestTable));


    qr = new QueryRun(q); // to fetch records from query
AxTestTable1 = qr.get(tablenum(AxTestTable));


May 25, 2012

Send Method

Hi frnd,

Overload your send method and copy paste following code, n yes dont forget to change the tables name here...

All d best ............:)

public boolean send(Common _cursor, int _level=1, boolean _triggerOffBody=TRUE, boolean_newPageBeforeBody=FALSE)
    boolean ret;
    LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans1;

    if (_cursor.tableId == ledgerJournalTrans.tableId)
        ledgerJournalTrans1 = _cursor;
    if (ledgerJournalTrans.PaymMode == "RTGS" || ledgerJournalTrans.PaymMode == "NEFT")
       ret = super(_cursor, _level, _triggerOffBody, _newPageBeforeBody);
    return ret;

May 22, 2012

Merging Two records

Merging Two records

//we will explore how to correct such a situation by merging two records including
//all their related transactions. For the demonstration, we will merge two vendor accounts 5001
//and 5002 into a single one, that is, 5001.

static void VendAccountMerge(Args _args)
VendTable vendTable;
VendTable vendTableDelete;
PurchJournalAutoSummary jourSummary;

delete_from jourSummary
where jourSummary.VendAccount == #vendDelete;
select firstonly forupdate vendTableDelete
where vendTableDelete.AccountNum == #vendDelete;
select firstonly forupdate vendTable
where vendTable.AccountNum == #vend;

May 08, 2012

Lookup in Table

Lookup in Table

Some times we need to create a lookuo on Tables itself, so to make a lookup in table methods add the following code in your object methods;

public static void lookupStaffTable(FormControl _callingControl, CITStaffPlanId _staffplan)
    Query query;
    QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
    SysTableLookup lookup;

    query = new Query();
    qbds = query.addDataSource(tablenum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable));
    lookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tablenum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable),_callingControl,false);
    lookup.addLookupField(fieldnum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable, Position));
    lookup.addLookupField(fieldnum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable, ResourcesperPosition));
    lookup.addLookupField(fieldnum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable, TotalRequest));
    lookup.addLookupField(fieldnum(CITStaffPlanLinesTable, RecID),true);


May 04, 2012

Merging two Table Records

Merging two Table Records

Hi guys,
some times we need to merge two records within one line of the table,
so to do this you can use the following code, here, for example, I am using VendTabel and try to merge two vendors whose a/c no is 5001 and 5002 within 5001.

//we will explore how to correct such a situation by merging two records including
//all their related transactions. For the demonstration, we will merge two vendor accounts 5001
//and 5002 into a single one, that is, 5001.

Be Careful to use this job/Query coz it directly effect your data base

May 02, 2012

Enum values in Query ranges

Enum values in Query ranges

I've come accross a very geniun mistake which most of the developers usually do. Specially those who are working on a single language and do not test their code properly for other languages. This is related to the use of Enum values in Query ranges.

public void init()
QueryBuildRange criteriaOpen;
criteriaOpen = this.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(ProdTable)).addRange(fieldnum(ProdTable, ProdStatus));
// it does not work in non-English interface!!!
Though you will not find any compilation or run time error with this. However, the query will not read value when you run it in non english environment.
The correct way to use enum in query is

Did you got your answer.......??? :)