
June 20, 2012

Comments in Code Editor - EditorScripts class

Comments in Code Editor (Edit  EditorScripts class)

Hi Friends,

try the following code to add your own function in Code editor.
Class Name:- EditorScripts
Method 1- To Insert Header and Footer
Add a new method and copy and paste following code, 

public void theaxapta_insert_HeaderFooter(Editor e)
  //  e.gotoLine(1);
   // e.gotoCol(1);

    e.insertLines('// Added or Modified on ' + date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + ' at ' + time2str(timenow(), 1, 1) + ' by theaxapta(' + curuserid() +') Begin:' + '\n');
    e.insertLines('// Added or Modified on ' + date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll ) + ' at ' + time2str(timenow(), 1, 1) + ' by WCL(' + curuserid() +') End:' + '\n');

Method 2- Insert Comment

public void theaxapta_comment(Editor _editor)
    int startLine = _editor.selectionStartLine();
    int endLine   = _editor.selectionEndLine();
    int i;
    #define.comment('// added or modified by WCL')

    for (i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)

Above code will available in code editor -> when u open a code editor  -> right click-> scripts-> here u find 

1. Theaxapta - Insert Header
2. Theaxapta - Comment

 Make some changes as per your requirement.


1 comment:

  1. Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting. See the link below for more info.


