October 20, 2012

Document Handling in Microsoft Dynamics AX

Document Handling in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and 2012

Document Handling is very useful to attach files related to AX data to forms. It’s possible to add data at any form. It is also useful to attache any reference document to any record in Form.
To use Document Handling you have to activate it by follow these steps...

To activate this feature follow the next steps:

1. Go to BasicSetupDocument management:

2. Setup Parameters:


Active directory is the default path where allocate the files to attach.
Check Use Active document tables has to be activated.


Number sequence to numerate the attachments.
3. Define Document types:


For each type it’s necessary define the location folder:


4. Select in which forms it’s possible to attach documents in Active document tables:


5. Now, we can attach documents in the above forms. For example in Employees form:


For this example, we are going to attach a Photo:

Select the photo and click open:


With the check Show file activated we can see the photo/document:


Also, we can open the document with the right button Open.


October 16, 2012

Types of delete action

Types of delete action

In Table node there is a sub node called "Delete Action". In axapta there is mainly three type of delete action. Each of them have their own specific use. Here is the simplest defination for each of them.
A cascading deletion action will delete all records in the related table, where the foreign key is equivalent to the primary key of the current table. That is, deleting the parent record will also delete the child record(s) in the related table.
This cascading will take place whether the deletion is performed in code or directly by a user through the user interface.
A restricting delete action will raise an error message if the user tries to delete a record, where records exist in the related table where the foreign key is equivalent to the primary key of the current table.
This error will only appear if the deletion is performed through the user interface. A deletion from X++ code will be allowed to proceed and will not be cascaded to the related table. In this case the programmer should call .validateDelete() themselves prior to the call to .delete()
This delete action normally works as a Restricted delete action. However if the deletion is performed through X++ code, no error will be raised and the deletion will be cascaded to the related table.

for more details on delete action follow these links

- Harry

October 10, 2012

October 09, 2012

Build numbers of Axapta

Build numbers of Microsoft Dynamics Ax

Hi all,

Here theAxapta Versions, with a description of the version represented.
in following tables all build version numbers are split into three parts. 
First one is  the client version number , followed by the application version. Formatted 
like: Build #client version/application version/localization vertsion e.g. #1951.7500/514-320/OP023-196 - for 3.0 KR2 client and 3.0 SP4 application.

Dynamics AX 2012
Build number Version
6.0.852.78 2012 Beta
6.0.947.0 2012 RTM
6.0.947.61 2012 Cumulative Update 1 (CU1)
6.0.947.280 2012 Cumulative Update 2 (CU2)
6.0.947.862 2012 Feature Pack
6.0.1108.670 2012 Feature Pack with CU3

Dynamics AX 2009
Build number Version RPC interface version
5.0.593.0 2009 RTM 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.593.439 2009 Hotfix Rollup 1 (RU1) N/A
5.0.593.662 2009 Hotfix Rollup 2 (RU2) N/A
5.0.593.827 2009 Hotfix Rollup 3 (RU3) N/A
5.0.593.1084 2009 Hotfix Rollup 4 (RU4) N/A
5.0.593.1287 2009 Hotfix Rollup 5 (RU5) N/A
5.0.593.1429 2009 Hotfix Rollup 6 (RU6) N/A
5.0.1000.52 2009 SP1 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.358 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 1 (RU1) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.809 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 2 (RU2) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.1313 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 3 (RU3) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.2116 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 4 (RU4) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.2985 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 5 (RU5) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.3761 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 6 (RU6) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.4570 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 7 (RU7) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)
5.0.1500.6491 2009 SP1 Hotfix Rollup 8 (RU8) 50444.0 (C50C.0000)

Dynamics AX 4.0
Build number Version RPC interface version
4.0.1659.26 4.0 RTM 41638.0 (A2A6.0000)
4.0.1659.35 4.0 RTM (localized) N/A
4.0.2163.0 4.0 SP1 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2500.XXX 4.0 SP1 DIS layer hotfixes 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2501.116 4.0 SP2 42060.0 (A44C.0000)
4.0.2503.XXX 4.0 SP2 DIS layer hotfixes 42060.0 (A44C.0000)

Axapta 3.0
Build number Client version AOCP version
1951.8 3.0 N/A
1951.17 3.0 SP1 60029 (0xEA7D)
1951.18 3.0 SP1 N/A
1951.2410 3.0 SP2 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.2411 3.0 SP2 Hotfixed 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.3730 3.0 SP3 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.3733 3.0 SP3 Hotfixed 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.4060 3.0 SP4 60031 (0xEA7F)
1951.5160 3.0 SP5 61031 (0xEE67)
1951.6710 3.0 Kernel Rollup 1 61031 (0xEE67)
1951.7500 3.0 Kernel Rollup 2 63031 (0xF637)
1951.7609 3.0 Kernel Rollup 3 63031 (0xF637)
Build number Application version
514-90 3.0 SP2
514-193 3.0 SP3
514-320 3.0 SP4
514-513 3.0 SP5
514-859 3.0 SP6
