
November 10, 2012

How to update vendor addresses in Dynamics AX

How to update vendor addresses in Dynamics AX 2009

Here is trick of X++ by which we can update the address for a vendor in Dynamics ax 2009,  below job is the possible answer and may helps.

static void UpdateVendAddressType(Args _args)
VendTable          vendTab; // Replace VendTable with CustTable when run this for customers.
DirPartyTable     dirPartyTab;
Address              addTab;
while select vendTab join dirPartyTab join forupdate addTab
                                                          where vendTab.PartyId        == dirPartyTab.PartyId
                                                             && addTab.AddrTableId == dirPartyTab.TableId
                                                            && addTab.AddrRecId     == dirPartyTab.RecId
      if(addTab.Name == ‘Birincil Adres’)
        addTab.type = AddressType::Payment;

- Harry

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