
April 23, 2013

Compilation error in SysReportLibraryExport class

Compilation error in SysReportLibraryExport class

Recently I moved some code in live server and while compile the application I found that there was a compilation issue in the Class declaration of SysReportLibraryExport class but it seems to be fine with other environments.


I found that this issue is particular client based not on server. I done some R&D like…

1. I compiled this class on server  and it compiled fine. syntax error is gone and there are no more issues in it even though i have opened it on the application

2. Then I complied the same class on Client desktop, here its shows the error
      Compilation error in SysReportLibraryExport class

3. I again compile this class on another client on which reporting extension is installed 
(Reporting Extension require a SQL BD server for client), and it compiled fine here.

So the conclusion is  that this error in not show stopper for your application, you can use you environment.


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