April 20, 2013

X++ code for document attachment

X++ code for document attachment

In Axapta, we can attach document with Purchase order via document handling, if you need to attached a document using your x++ code, we need to use following x++ AOT objects.
  • DocuRef (table)
  • DocuActionArchive (class)
Here is a generic method that will attach record to any table in AX based on parameters passed to it

void attachDoc(RefTableId _refTableId, RefRecId _refRecId, selectableDataArea _refCompanyId, FileName _name)
    DocuRef docuRef;

    DocuActionArchive archive;
    docuRef.RefRecId = _refRecId;
    docuRef.RefTableId = _refTableId;
    docuRef.RefCompanyId = _refCompanyId;
    docuRef.Name = _name;
    docuRef.TypeId = 'File';
    archive = new DocuActionArchive();
    archive.add(docuRef, _name);

To use this method write following code to attache the document.

this.attachDoc(tableNum(PurchTable), purchTable.RecId, purchTable.dataAreaId, filepathname);


