August 31, 2014

Error While deplying SSRS report DAX 2012 R2/R3

 Hi Folks,

Here is one more troubleshoot for SSRS report. Please check my previous post for similar errors and solutions.


A call to the Microsoft Dynamics AX SRSFrameworkService service failed. There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://####srv:8202/DynamicsAx/Services/BIServices that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Possible Reason: 
Inbound port deactivated.


Go System administration > Setup > Services & Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports.

Select BIServices port and activate it.

While activating you may one more error, and we will fix this as well :)

For that please follow below,

Goto AOT > Service Groups > BI Services, double check it has two services

Also check both services have the underline service operations:

If everything is correct then U can right click on BIServices service group and say Deploy Element.  

Enjoyyyyyyyy…. !!!


August 22, 2014

Error: When opening AX client

“The Microsoft Dynamics AX client cannot be started because more users are connected to the system than are allowed by the license.” 

Error: While opening the AX client system showing below error message.
“The Microsoft Dynamics AX client cannot be started because more users are connected to the system than are allowed by the license.”
However there is clearly mention in error that its an license issue, 
But the actual issue is we are not able to open the AX and without opening we can not change the license. Upppsss:).


This error should not come While there is only one user login the server and RDP.

SO to resolve this issue Try this:

1. Open SQL management studio
Run below query on AX data base

select * from sysclientsessions where STATUS = 1
there must be some records in this table

2. Stop AOS services
3. Now delete are records from this table
4. Now restart the AOS service and open the AX client.
5. You may need to change the license as well (If expired).


August 11, 2014

Error: “The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly.”

Error: “The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly.”

Updated: April 19, 2016.

Error: When run full or incremental CIL , system showing below error
“The CIL generator found errors and could not save the new assembly.”


Possible reason: This might be CIL generation issue.

Suggested Solution:

Step I: Stop AX services

Step II: Delete all isolated files from below path (Please Note: Delete only files which are not in any folder)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\XppIL directory


Step III: Start AX service

Step IV: Synch DataDictonary

Step V: Full Compile

Step VI: Full CIL Compile

Note: These all operation must be perform in the same sequence. (I also tried this only :P )

Now try to reopen you AX client. It should be work.

Update: April 19, 2016
You can rename the exist folder (e.g. XPPIL_BackUp12042016) and than start your AOS and do a full CIL. Its more effective than deleting only outer files.

- Harry

August 06, 2014

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Demo Data Installation

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Demo Data Installation

Hi Friends,

Data importing is slightly different in AX 2012 R3, in earlier version can import data through SQL but now here is something new for us. 

Before performing below operation you should have following tools/Setups with you

1. Dynamics AX 2012R3 (of course it will be there :P )

2. Demo data file (downloadable from Partner source)

3. Data transfer tool (downloadable from Partner source

Ohk, now we have all the require setups with us, so let’s start now.

Step 1. Extract demo data file, run “DynamicsAX2012R3DemoData.exe

In this case I extract it on C drive.

Step 2. Run “AX2012TestDataTransferTool.msi” file.


It will create a new folder in under following path
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Test Data Transfer Tool (Beta)


Step 3. Import “MetaDataXMLGenerator.xpo” , it will import a new job named “MetaDataXMLGenerator” in AOT, Run this job.


This operation will create a XML file names “MetaData.xml” under below path
(You can directly go this folder by using “%temp%” from run)

7/29/2014 5:00 PM - Screen Clipping

Step 4. Copy this file and paste is in “[List]” folder (where Test Data Transfer Tool has been extracted). If the file already exists, then overwrite the file. In this example path will be following
“C:\AX 2012 Test Data Transfer\[Lists]”


Step : 5 Close all AX instances and stop the AOS services.
Now you have all data and required files with you.

Step 6. Now run command prompt as administrator
Navigate to the directory where your “AX2012TestDataTransferTool” folder exist. In this case I have “C:\AX 2012 Test Data Transfer” (just copied from program files J )

Now the final stunt, Run following command
DP.exe IMPORT “C:\AXR3DemoData” AX2012R3DB
Pease note: Make sure all AX instance and AOS service are stopped.
Ø “DP.exe” is executable file in “AX2012TestDataTransferTool” folder
Ø “C:\AX2012R3DemoData” is your demo data folder path
Ø “AX2012R3DB” is your AX database name
System will ask to your acceptance to import data, simply press “y/Y”

Note: Some time system will show below error

“Unhandled Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Test Data Transfer Tool (Beta)\DP Log.xml’ is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, I
nt32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions o
ptions, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolea
n useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access,
FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean useAsync)
at System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings.CreateWriter(String outputFileName)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(String fileName, SaveOptions options)
at DP.Program.Execute(String currentDirectory, DataportDirection direction, S
tring directory, String database, String server, DataportAction action) in e:\bt
\110700\Source\DataPort\DP\Program.cs:line 182
at DP.Program.Main(String[] args) in e:\bt\110700\Source\DataPort\DP\Program.
cs:line 82

If you are facing the same error than try to run following command (Its same command as above without “ ”)
DP.exe IMPORT C:\AXR3DemoData AX2012R3DB
Now it will work J
As next, Below window will open
Here you done your part, now wait to complete this operation and open your AX client.
