
August 31, 2014

Error While deplying SSRS report DAX 2012 R2/R3

 Hi Folks,

Here is one more troubleshoot for SSRS report. Please check my previous post for similar errors and solutions.


A call to the Microsoft Dynamics AX SRSFrameworkService service failed. There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://####srv:8202/DynamicsAx/Services/BIServices that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Possible Reason: 
Inbound port deactivated.


Go System administration > Setup > Services & Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports.

Select BIServices port and activate it.

While activating you may one more error, and we will fix this as well :)

For that please follow below,

Goto AOT > Service Groups > BI Services, double check it has two services

Also check both services have the underline service operations:

If everything is correct then U can right click on BIServices service group and say Deploy Element.  

Enjoyyyyyyyy…. !!!


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