August 02, 2024

QuickFix: Issue with CAR report generation (The source for referenced module '####' is missing from the model store. Please specify the -packagesRoot parameter to instead use binary metadata for referenced modules.)

Hi Everyone, 

We have multiple ISVs and as per MS documentation I added additional parameter in cmd but While generating CAR report I got error for ISV references. 

I tried to remove reference to one ISV than next time it started giving error for another ISV. Here is the cmd I tried, 

xppbp.exe -metadata='K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory' -all -model='MyModel' -xmlLog=C:\CARreport\BPCheckLogcd.xml -module='MyModel' -car='c:\CARreport\CAReport.xlsx'-packagesroot=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory

Issue and Solution: 
The issue was I used the cmd car parameter path in quotations. 

xppbp.exe -metadata='K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory' -all -model='MyModel' -xmlLog=C:\CARreport\BPCheckLogcd.xml -module='MyModel' -car='c:\CARreport\CAReport.xlsx'-packagesroot=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory

The correct cmd should be as below

xppbp.exe -metadata='K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory' -all -model='MyModel' -xmlLog=C:\CARreport\BPCheckLogcd.xml -module='MyModel' -car=c:\CARreport\CAReport.xlsx -packagesroot=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory

Don't miss the space after .xlsx

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

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