Showing posts with label Errors and Solution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Errors and Solution. Show all posts

July 16, 2024

How to Install 'Globalization Solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance' for ER reporting

Hi Folks, 

I recently been working on ER reporting was referring Microsoft documentations for Electronic reporting (ER) overview , the detaisl inthsi document have some conditions (as of today July 11, 2024) which is not clearly mentioend in this document that the repository mentieodn are only applicate till version 10.0.38, from this version onwards thigs changed (Yes changed again!!!)

In this post I will explain how to setup ER reporting for your environment. 

Thigs to note before start:

1. Admin access to Admin center of power platform
2. Admin access to D365FO
3. LCS and Operations resources are not supported any more, Regulatory Configuration Service (RCS) will be deprecated as well
4. New Solution will be deployed on Dataverse
5. This works only with Tier 2 instances 

Worth the know: 

1. If you check your ER reporting work space (with version 10.0.30 and above) you will only get two options in 'Configuration repository' which are
i. Dataverse
ii.  Operation resource

and if you try to setup data verse and open it, you may get below error,  Error when opening Data version in ER repository, 

ER reporting workspce

Request to Dataverse failed. Check that solution is installed and application user has access to Dataverse tables. Error code: d02c0bcd Timestamp: 2024-07-04 13:20:10 Correlation Id: <####> Exception thrown: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault]: RetrievePrivilegeForUser: The user with id <####> has not been assigned any roles. They need a role with the prvReadmsdyn_ElectronicReportingConfigurationsIndexFile privilege. (Fault Detail is equal to Exception details: ErrorCode: 0x80042F09 Message: RetrievePrivilegeForUser: The user with id <###> has not been assigned any roles. They need a role with the prvReadmsdyn_ElectronicReportingConfigurationsIndexFile privilege. TimeStamp: 2024-07-04T13:20:10.5918579Z -- Exception details: ErrorCode: 0x80042F09 Message: RetrievePrivilegeForUser: The user with id <###> has not been assigned any roles. They need a role with the prvReadmsdyn_ElectronicReportingConfigurationsIndexFile privilege. TimeStamp: 2024-07-04T13:20:10.5918579Z -- ).

2. If you have already setup some other repositores in past version and than updated your environment, you still be able to see and access these repository. But you wont be able to create new repository on same type. 

Now coming to solution: 

1. Navigate to Microsoft app source and search for  Globalization Solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance or click here

Microsoft app store

2. Click on 'Get it now', it will nevugatre you to portal where you need to select further details. In select environment option you can only selelct a sanbox or productoin ( no tier 1 option by default)

(Note: To install an app, you must have a successfully provisioned environment in the region where the application is available and the environment must have a database connection)

Dataverse install solution

3. After the installation you will be able to see this under solution tab, check if there are update on this solution , 

Dataverse update solution

I would recommend to udpate this to latest version, 

Dataverse solution

Dataverse update solution

Once these steps finished successfully , go back to your environment and select data verse and click on Open. 
D365FO ER reporting workspace

You should be able to see all reporting configuration and choose what you need and import to use. 

D365FO ER reporting workspace

Further references

Happy ER reporting, and may your data flow smoothly!

July 24, 2022

[Solved] Debugger not working, Symbols not loaded

Hi Folks, 

In the recent Dev box where we are getting Visual Studio 19  for IDE, the debugger is not so friendly, it could be demanding to favor you  :) .

Let's see what are those demands, you may or may not need all those fixes. 

1. Uncheck  "Load Symbols Only For Items In The Solution". Go to Extension > Dynamics 365 > Option >

2. Uncheck ‘Enable Just My Code’. Go to Extension > Dynamics 365 > Option

and Check the "Microsoft Symbol Server"

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

September 21, 2021

[Solved] An internal error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator. File export using sys operation framework

Hi Folks,

Recently I have been using SysOperatioonFramework to export data in excel. While running the code out of batch its working fine but as soon as I am calling this from Sysopertionframewrok, the system doesn't show anything on front end while debugging its giving error

An internal error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.

Well, it's a minor mistake in the controller class. You need to define the execution mode for your service class (code in controller class)

this.executionMode = SysOperationExecutionMode::Synchronous

Save | Build | Run

It should work for you as well. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

August 18, 2021

The item [ProjectPath].rnrproj has been cloaked.

Error: Below error occurs when adding the project to source control.

The item C:\VS2017Projects\<projectName>.rnrproj has been cloaked.

The item C:\VS2017Projects\<ProjectName>.rnrproj has been cloaked.



Check the source control workspace mapping, there could be some additional mapping to this project, you need to delete this additional mapping (honestly, I couldn't figure out how this was added) and try to add your project to the source control again. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

June 21, 2021


Hi Folks,

The other day I was getting errors while doing build and DB sync. This error is quite strange when looking at the details in the Error List pane. Below is the error message(s).

Error message:




If you succeed to get some details from this error message 😊, you will see the issue with SECURITYROLEPRIVILEGERESOURCELICENSEMAP while you won’t get anything in AOT with this name.



Let’s try the SQL then. Open the SSMS and select AxDB then searches for dbo. SECURITYROLEPRIVILEGERESOURCELICENSEMAP and right-click to see the design. You may get some additional fields here, ideally, there should be below seven fields, (you should be double sure if anyone else in your team added anything)

And delete any additional fields from here.



Save your changes and go back to Visual Studio and try to do build and DB synch. It should work.


-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

December 14, 2020

QuickFix -16:[Solved] ComputedFieldMethod: Method return type of 'ExtendedDataType' is invalid; expected values(s): 'String'

While adding a computed field and creating a method for the same, getting below error for method. 

ComputedFieldMethod]:Method return type of 'ExtendedDataType' is invalid; expected values(s): 'String'

Solution: You need to double-check the method signature and it must look like below

public static server str myCal()


        str mycal;

//Business logic

        return mycal;


Build your solution and give it a try.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

September 17, 2020

[Solved] D365FO logic app connector error: Failed with error: 'The browser is closed.'. Please sign in again.

Hi Folks,

I hope all of us keep themself safe during this tough time and utilizing this to learn something new and enhance your skill sets. 

With that note, let me share one of my findings with the Logic Apps issue. I was trying to sign in D365FO connector and getting below error

Failed with error: 'The browser is closed.'. Please sign in again or choose another connection.

Well, there can be many solutions to it, try the below steps, 

1. Check the user is available in the respective D365FO environment with proper access. 
2. Check if there are any API created during one of the tries, and delete it.
3. Clear browser cookies. 
4. Try ti use Edge than other browsers.

Also, if you are working with multiple domains, I mean your azure portal is on a different domain and D365FO is on a different domain try below, 

When you login into uncheck below checkbox, and click, 'No'.

Now when you must be able to sign in D365FO connector with other domain without any issue. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

September 04, 2020

QuickFix -14:[Solved] Error "error occurred while doing bulk copy from temp table to entity table"

While importing a file using Data entity getting below error, 

 Error message:

"Error occurred while doing bulk copy from temptable to entity table- '0' '<Entity Name>' record(s) inserted in staging"


Normally this error comes when there are issues with data. Check your input file look for field values that are part of the primary key. There must be some duplicate value where the system is throwing the above error. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

August 01, 2020

[Solved] Logic app error with ImportFromPackage - The mapping is incorrect for entity

Error Message: 

Below error message comes when trying to import a data package in D365FO using ImportFromPackage action. 



  "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action ImportFromPackage on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The mapping is incorrect for entity <EntityName> and field {0000000}.\r\nclientRequestId: 0000000",

  "error": {

    "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action ImportFromPackage on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The mapping is incorrect for entity <EntityName> and field {0000000}."



  "errors": []



 Possible reason and solution:


Generally, this issue comes when you provide the wrong file format. Check what file format type you mention in your import package you might have provided different file formats.

The most common scenario is when you are supposed to send a CSV file but accidentally passed an excel file and vice versa.


-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

July 10, 2020

QuickFix -13:[Solved] Error "labelc.exe exited with code -1"

Error message:

warning RG0000: Duplicate resource key!  Name was: "<labelId>"1 warnings(s). 

labelc.exe exited with code -1.

Possible reason:     

This error comes when there are duplicate rows in your label file. There are two or more rows with the same labelId.


Check your respective label file with <LabelId> , there must be some duplicate records and remove one duplicate row there. 


-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

May 07, 2020

[Solved] Logic app error while calling D365FO action GetAzureWriteUrl

  "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action GetAzureWriteUrl on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The blob with identifier  could not be obtained.\r\nclientRequestId: ###### ###",
  "error": {
    "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action GetAzureWriteUrl on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The blob with identifier  could not be obtained."
  "errors": []

Possible reason:

If it's coming on newly added action than you are missing guid, If you modify anything on the action the guid parameter clears itself and you need to put it again.


Pass a unique value in the action parameter uniqueFileName  , you can write an expression for guid like guid().


Check out my other post on Logic app errors and solutions.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

March 05, 2020

[Solved] Error while creating table extension

Hi there,

While trying to create a table extension, all sudden I got below error message

K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\####\###\AxTableExtension\EcoResProduct.###.xml(0,0):  ConfigurationKeyDoesNotExist: Path: [AxTableExtension/EcoResProduct.###/FullTextIndexes/SearchNameFullTextIdx/ConfigurationKey]:Configuration key 'Retail' does not exist.

The possible reason and a solution is, you might missing package reference to retail in your custom package where you are doing customization. Add the respective package as reference to your package, here in this example I need to add 'Retail' package reference to my local package.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

August 04, 2019

[Solved] Error in Logic app. Status: 403

Hi Folks,

Logic comes a long way for most of the integration thing in Dynamics 365 FO. Its provides a good set of connectors to develop inbound/outbound integration process. While troubleshooting any error is not so easy while it comes to the logic app for new people. I will be sharing some the common error which I faced during development and hopefully, that will helpful for you guys too.

"status": 403,
  "message": "{\r\n  \"Message\": \"An error has occurred.\",\r\n  \"ExceptionMessage\": \"Forbidden\",\r\n  \"ExceptionType\": \"System.ServiceModel.Web.WebFaultException`1[[System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=######]]\",\r\n  \"StackTrace\": \"   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Services.ServicesSessionProvider.ThrowSessionCreationException(ServicesSessionCreationErrorCode exceptionCode)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Services.ServicesSessionProvider.GetSession(Boolean isILSession, Boolean bypassAuthentication, String issuer, String company, String language, String partitionKey, ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Services.ServicesSessionManager.InitThreadSession(Boolean ilSession, SessionType sessionType, Boolean bypassAuthentication, String authIssuer, String company, String language, String partitionKey, ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Common.SessionManagement.ServicesAosSessionManager.InitializeSession(Boolean bypassAuthentication, String authIssuerThumbprint, ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Common.SessionManagement.OwinRequestSessionProvider.CreateSession(ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Common.SessionManagement.ServicesRequestSessionHelper.EnsureRequestSession(IServicesRequestSessionProvider servicesRequestSessionProvider, ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity)\\r\\n   at Microsoft.Dynamics.Platform.Integration.Common.SessionManagement.EnsureServicesRequestSessionHandler.EnsureServicesRequestSession(HttpRequestMessage request, IApplicationEnvironment applicationEnvironment)\"\r\n}\r\nclientRequestId: ##########",
  "source": "",

  "errors": []

Possible reason: 
You have used certain users in Logic apps while creating API connections. while that users don't have access to target AX system.

Check the used in target/Source AX system if the user doesn't exist import the same with admin or proper access. If the user exists then check its access.

I will keep posting any error which I faced with a solution that works for me and I hope that may work for you as well. If you are getting other error, put that in the comment section and I will try to find a solution for you.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

July 08, 2019

[Solved] Issue with default app in Windows 10, TWINUI bug

Known Bug in Windows 10,

All sudden all my default app have been changed to TWINUI and I am not even able to change it.

Open Power shell as admin and run below command,
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

That's it, now check the default apps again

Also, you can Try below steps for Photo/Images
  1. Press Windows button + R.
  2. Type:%appdata%\..\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState
  3. Delete all the contents of that folder.
  4. Restart the computer and check if the issue persists.


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