Showing posts with label Fun day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun day. Show all posts

April 20, 2013

High Flying PM......

I could not stop my self to post this....... lol
Check out this 

High Flying PM

 A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts:

"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised my friend. I would meet him half an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man below says, "Yes, you are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees North latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees West longitude."

"You must be a programmer," says the balloonist.

"I am," replies the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," says the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost."

The man below says, "You must be a project manager"

"I am," replies the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," says the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is you are in the exact same position you were in before we met, but now it is somehow my fault."


Sunday Fun Day............ Cheers ...........

Hi Friends;
Finally its Sunday tomorrow,  Awhhhhh rest is best this day.
Check these funny Lines for you and your buddies check it out........

Types of Project Managers; which one are you? -- 
    If you get in my way, I'll kill you! - ideal project manager
If you get in my way, you'll kill me! - somewhat less than ideal project manager 
    If I get in my way, I'll kill you! - somewhat misguided project manager 

If I get in your way, I'll kill you! - A tough project manager (eats glass, live cats, etc.) 
    If get kill in will way I you. - dyslexic, functionally illiterate project manager 

I am the way! Kill me if you can! - messianic project manager 
    Get away, I'll kill us all! - suicidal project manager 

If you kill me, I'll get in your way. - thoughtful but ineffective project manager 
    If I kill you I'll get in your way. - project manager who has trouble dealing with the obvious 
If a you gotta in my way, I gonna breaks you arm. - project manager from New York 


I am quite confident that there is nothing in the way, so no one will get killed. - project manager who is about to get in big trouble 


If you kill me, so what? If you get in my way, who cares? - weak, uninspired, lackluster project manager 

If I kill me, you'll get your way. - pragmatic project manager 
    If we get in each other's way, who will get killed? - An utterly confused manager
    Kill me, it's the only way. - every project manager to date.

-Harry.................... :)