Showing posts with label Study Material. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Study Material. Show all posts

January 27, 2020

QuickFix-10: Dynamics365FO-AppChecker

The Dynamics Application checker is a set of technologies that allow developers to gain insight into their application code (i.e. source and metadata) in ways that have not been possible before. The technology is based on representing both source code and metadata in XML and providing rich search facilities by using the XQuery language to express declarative queries over the source code. The current implementation runs inside a BaseX repository running locally on the developer's box.
You can find more information about

  1. Installing BaseX here
  2. Github respo:
  3. BaseX official site:

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

August 11, 2017

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and operations CookBook

Hi Friends,

It gives me an immense pleasure to share this your all, my another book has been released today on "Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and operations" aka 'AX7'
Update (20/09/2017): Recent review by Ali Raza Zaidi here.

Go and get your copy today...


Thanks for all your support. Enjoy….


July 13, 2017

Important links for Dynamics 365

Hi Folks,

Here are some important links that you check for your routine work, update, RnD, submit a suggestion and many more. 

PS: Photo taken from MS site.

March 14, 2016

Dynamics 365/AX7 available certification

Updated: May 6, 2017.

Hi Folks,

Here is some information regarding latest version of AX certification.

Exam titleExam number
Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online DeploymentMB2-715
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and ConfigurationMB2-716
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for SalesMB2-717
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer ServiceMB2-718

Refer these link also,

 Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us. @Facebook

April 01, 2015

New book released Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Reporting Cookbook

Hi Folks,
I am very happy to share with all of you that my new book just released in market.
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Reporting Cookbook

This book is recommended for Dynamics AX developers and .NET-based SSRS developers looking to familiarize themselves with the new AX reporting framework.
This book contain 10 chapters 


For details check on web stores to get your copy.
- Harry

April 17, 2014

Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Videos and Demos

Hi Folks,

Finally... Its Dynamics AX R3. There are many new thing to know about R3. Here are some videos for Dynamics AX. I hope you all will enjoy these videos.

Soon i will post more video links. If you are looking for downloadable copy of this video, just post your message in comment box.
All the best for Dynamics AX R3......


February 16, 2014

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook

My next review is of the Packt's new title Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook , I have started reading the it. The review will follow.

Click here to know more about this book


October 17, 2013

Abstract Class and Abstract Method in AXapta

     Abstract Class and Abstract Method

Abstract Class:
When we declare a class as abstract, this class cannot initiate in X++ code. To use this class or its method we have to first extend this class than only we are able to use this class or its method. To understand the abstract class consider following example
We have three classes
     1.      absClass  (it’s an abstract class)
     2.      normalClass (an another class which will use the absClass methods)
     3.      extendAbsClass (this class will extends the absClass)

    1.      abstract class absClass

    void printName()
    ;    info("AbsClass... Deepak"); 

    2.      class extendAbsClass extends absClass

    3.      class normalClass

  void accessAbsClass()
    absClass        absClass;
    extendAbsClass  extendAbsClass;
 //   absClass = new absClass();    // this declaration will throw error “Object could not be created because class absClass is abstract” so first we extend absClass into extendsAbsClass and further use extendsAbsClass to access absClass methods.
    extendAbsClass  = new extendAbsClass();

Abstract Method:

When we declare a method as abstract , this method should be overload in child class or we can say , this method  should be declare/initiate in child class, than only we can use this class or its method.
a.      Abstract methods may only be declared in abstract classes.
b.      No code or declarations are allowed in abstract methods.

We have three classes
i.                    absMethodClass
ii.                  extendAbsClass
iii.                NormalClass

1.      abstract class absMethodClass

abstract void absPrintName()
                        // we cannot declare any code in abstract method

2.      class extendAbsClass extends absMethodClass

void absPrintName()
    ; // we have to initiate abstract method here as this class extends the abstract class.
    info("abstract method declaration in derived class");
3.      class childClass_1

void accessAbsClass()
    extendAbsClass  extendAbsClass;
    extendAbsClass  = new extendAbsClass();


- Harry

September 12, 2013

AX 2012 R2 VPC And Materials Download

AX 2012 R2 VPC And Course Materials Download

You must have Partner Source credentials to access the following links.

Dynamics AX2012 R2 VPC

Dynamics AX2012 R2 Course


March 02, 2013

Axapta Interview Questions- Part II

Interview Questions for Axapta 2009/2012

In my previous post i share some Interview questions with you, here are some new question.... 
  1. What is the difference between fetch() in send() in axapta?
  2. What is the difference between pack() and unpack()?
  3. What are different kinds of delete actions available in Ax?What does cascade+restricted do?What is the difference between restricted and cascade + restricted?
  4. What is abstract class?Name some abstract classes in axapta?
  5. What is interface?Does Axapta support multiple inheritance?Name some interface classes in axapta?
  6. How many kinds of join are there in axapta?
  7. What is lookup?How many kinds of lookup can be done in axapta?
  8. What is the utility of jumpref()?
  9. Which class is called while sales order invoicing?
  10. What is the use of temporary table in axapta?
  11. What is OCC?
  12. What is the difference between Abstarct and interface?
  13. Which Objects in Axapta obtain ID?
  14. What is Map?How can we use it?
  15. What is Cache Lookup Property?
  16. What does the RunOn property of Class do?

July 24, 2012

Reporting Framework in AX 2012

Hi friends,
    Today i want to share reporting concepts in AX 2012 with you guys.....

We will start with understanding basic concepts in Reporting Framework to examples.

Reporting Framework Terminologies,

As you all know, the reports in AX 2012 have moved to SSRS reporting, so MS has introduced a robust reporting framework wrapping over the basic SSRS reporting functionality. There are many terms used in reporting framework in AX that I will try and explain here:
·         Report Definition Language: RDL is an XML application primarily used with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. RDL is usually written using Visual Studio. AX has Report Definition Language Contract classes that can generate and build the RDL for an AX SSRS report. This contract provides a weakly typed representation of parameters. It contains methods that can be used to get or set values. It also contains a map of parameter names and the SrsReportParameter class. The base class is SrsReportRdlDataContract.

·         Report Data Provider (RDP): A framework that helps in building, processing and rendering data to reports. Most of the reports require RDP classes that help in implementing business logic required to process data and provide data in readable, presentable and required formats design. The base class is SrsReportDataProvider. This class has two main sub classes,SrsReportDataProvderBase and SrsReportDataProviderPreProcess. We will discuss about these classes in future posts.

·         Report Data Contracts: The Report Data Contracts framework is used to provide and manage the parameters to an SSRS report. The report data contract contains all the other relevant instances like Report Data Provider contracts, print contracts, RDL contracts and query contracts that will be used by a report.

·         Printing Contracts: The framework that manages report printing (to different mediums). The base class is SrsPrintDestinationSettings. There are other supporting contracts that are used for printing, we will discuss about them in future posts.

·         Query Contracts: This framework manages the queries used to process report data. This framework is also responsible for providing dynamic filters (similar to our ‘Select” buttons on report dialogs that open the Query specification form to filter data on report queries).

·         Report Controllers: Report controllers control the report execution and dialog forms. Report controllers can be used to modify report dialogs, validate report parameters and other validations necessary before report execution. The base class is SrsReportRunController. Reports utilizing report controllers can only be used for printing data on client side. Reports controlled by controllers cannot be used in Enterprise Portals.

·         Report UI Builders: UI Builders are used to modify the report dialogs at run-time or to add additional parameters and write custom business logic to report dialogs. Ex: You want to perform some task based on data modified for one parameter, that affects other parameters or build a custom lookup etc (something that was provided by RunBaseReport framework class in previous versions. The base class is SrsReportDataContractUIBuilder.


April 24, 2012

SSRS Tutorial Video

Hi Friends,

Today I am sharing a Video for SSRS reporting Services, to batter understanding just try to do at your end also you have following s/w for this,

1. Visual Studio with reporting extensions
2. SQL server 2008/2005

3. Dynamics AX