Showing posts with label administrator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label administrator. Show all posts

June 07, 2024

[Solved] Dynamics 365FO DB restore error Line 1 The permission 'KILL DATABASE CONNECTION' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.

Important Note: Microsoft frequently updates SqlPackage. Therefore, it’s crucial to download the latest version of SqlPackage each time you intend to use any of its commands. Download the latest SQLPackage.

Error Details: The error message for BacPac DB restore is as follows:

Dynamics 365FO DB restore error Line 1 The permission ‘KILL DATABASE CONNECTION’ is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Alternatively, use the server level ‘ALTER ANY CONNECTION’ permission.

Dynamics 365FO DB restore error Line 1 The permission 'KILL DATABASE CONNECTION' is not supported in this version of SQL Server. Alternatively, use the server level 'ALTER ANY CONNECTION' permission.

Recommended solution: 

Step 1: Navigate to the folder where your BACPAC file is saved and change the file extension from .bacpac to .zip.

Step 2: Open the zip file and copy the model.xml file to a different location. Open the copied file in a text editor such as Notepad, VS Code, or Visual Studio. (Avoid editing the file directly in the zip folder or the original file).

Model file may not load in notepad, I would prefer to open this into VS code, Visual Studio itslef or Notepad ++, 

Step 3: In the copied model.xml file, find and delete the entire Element tag that contains “Grant.KillDatabaseConnection”. Save the modified file as ModelCopy1.xml.

Step 4: Copy the modified file (ModelCopy1.xml) and paste it into the SqlPackage folder. (Download the latest version of SQLPackage)

Step 5: Change the file extension of the zip file back to .bacpac (reverse of Step 1).

Step 6: Go to the downloaded SQLPackage folder and execute the following command:

SqlPackage.exe /a:import /sf:J:\MSSQL_BACKUP\PreProdDB.bacpac /tsn:localhost /tdn:AxDB_PreProd2005 /p:CommandTimeout=1200 /TargetUser:"axdbadmin" /TargetPassword:"<DbPassword>" /TargetTrustServerCertificate:True /mfp:"ModelCopy.xml
DB import should be successful this time. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

June 17, 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Azure App Registration Process


Azure App Registration is a crucial step when developing applications that integrate with Azure services. It allows your application to authenticate and access resources securely within the Azure ecosystem. In this blog post, I will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the Azure App Registration process, helping you understand the necessary steps to register your application.

App registration is required for a lot of purposes in D365FO, for example

1.    To set up Warehouse mobile

2.    Setup out of box Power BI report

3.    Postman configuration

4.    Various integration scenarios


Prerequisite: Just one, get the admin account and use the same account for all the steps, this account should have access to D365FO as well.  (I know it's not mandatory but I would recommend this.)

Step 1: Access the Azure Portal:

To begin the Azure App Registration process, log in to the Azure Portal ( using your Azure account credentials. Once logged in, you'll have access to the Azure dashboard.

Step 2: Navigate to Azure Active Directory:

From the Azure dashboard, locate and select "Azure Active Directory" from the list of available services. Azure Active Directory is a comprehensive identity and access management solution provided by Microsoft. (To make sure you choose the right directory).

Step 3: Choose "App Registrations":

Within Azure Active Directory, navigate to the "App registrations" section. This section allows you to manage all your application registrations. You can search for the same in the top search bar.

Step 4: Click "New Registration":

Click on the "New Registration" button to initiate the app registration process. You will be prompted to provide essential details about your application.


Step 5: Fill in Application Details:

In this step, you need to provide the following details:

- "Name": Enter a unique name for your application.

- "Supported account types": Choose the appropriate account type (such as "Accounts in this organizational directory only" or "Accounts in any organizational directory"). Mostly it will be within the same organization.

- "Redirect URI": Specify the URI where Azure will redirect users after authentication. This is typically the URI of your application. In our case, it will be the URL of D365FO environment.

Step 6: Register the Application:

After providing the necessary details, click on the "Register" button to create the application in Azure. Azure will generate a unique "Application (client) ID" that you will need to use during the development and configuration of your application.


Step 7: Configure API Permissions:

To access Azure resources from your application, you need to grant it appropriate permissions. In the app registration page, navigate to "API permissions" and click on "Add permission." Here, you can select the APIs and permissions required for your application. This section is used if you are going to use this for Power BI.


Step 8: Grant Admin Consent:

Once you have configured the necessary API permissions, you need to obtain consent from an Azure administrator. Click on the "Grant admin consent for <your organization name>" button to initiate the consent process.


Step 9: Generate Client Secrets:

If your application requires a client secret, such as when using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow, navigate to the "Certificates & secrets" section within the app registration page. Here, you can create and manage client secrets securely. Copy the value securely as it will not visible after this step and you need this for most of the applications eg. the Warehouse mobile app, and Power BI configuration.


Step 10: Application Configuration (Optional):

After completing the app registration process, you can configure additional settings specific to your application, such as branding, authentication options, and more. Explore the app registration page and adjust the settings as per your requirements.



The Azure App Registration process is a vital step when building applications that integrate with Azure services. By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully register your application in Azure Active Directory, configure necessary permissions, and obtain the required credentials for secure authentication and access to Azure resources. Properly registered applications can take advantage of various Azure services and APIs while ensuring a streamlined and secure development process.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

December 23, 2022

December 22, 2022

QuickFix: How to check component of a deployable package

Wondered how to check the components of a deployable package on LCS? 

If you are not sure about a deployable package component and what models/packages it may contain, you can get these details on LCS where it might store on AssetLibrary without even downloading and extracting. 

Try this: Navigate to LCS > Your project> Asset Library > Software deployable package and select a package for which you want to get more details, scroll right and you will see the option "Show component details", click on this and it will show you all the Packages it contains. 

If you scroll further down in the right pane area, you will get more details about the package like its compatibility with earlier versions, package ID, build, version, publisher, etc. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

February 16, 2022

[Solved] Application login redirects to other domain than customer's domain #MSD365FO

[Last updated : 25 August 2022]
Hi Folks,

Recently I was facing an issue with one of the customers, whenever any user is trying to login into any environment the login screen redirects to another domain than the customer's domain. 

After doing a bit of research and connects, I figured out that while deploying this tier-1 environment I have used my email id (which was not part of the customer domain). And system took my domain as the default tenant and ignored which azure connector was used to deploy this environemnt. 

Solution: You have to use the customer's domain email to deploy any environment on their LCS so it will take their domain as default tenant than your(Partner/Vendor) tenant. 

Now, this issue becomes more critical in case you rolled out a tier-2 or UAT instance (I haven't tied this but technically this can also happen), and non of the users can log in to this and you will end up, redeploying this from scratch. Imagine the scenario where your team already did the configuration on any of these servers and you end up redeploying, A complete mess. and a lot of rework. 

However DB backup and DIXF export can cover you there, but again a lot of rework and time is needed. Plus justify this to your customer. 

So, always use the customer's domain email id to deploy any environment for your customer. 

If this issue might have been raised a few months back, I could have used the AdminUser provisioning tool (How to set new admin user) to change it, but with the recent update, this tool is deprecated. (Yeah I also didn't like this idea).

Hope this will help and save you from ending up in a similar mess. 

For more details pl check this link

Update: 25 August 2022, 

If you have some old Dev VM you can actually copy the admin provisioning tool from there and paste it into the new vm at the same location. This should help you as a workaround to set new admin to dev boxes. 



Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

December 03, 2021

[Solved] Your connection is not private, issue while browsing DEV box

Hi Folks, 

In case of this sunny morning, you tried to login into one of the dev box which you accessing after a long back you may get the below error on the browser 

Your connection is not private

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from

This issue was caused because of the expired SSL certificate on the server, as these VM are azure hosted and Microsoft takes care few things on their own, hence this once. To fix this, you need to log into LCS and select the project and the cloud hosted environment. 

Under maintain tab, select rotate certificate, 

Select Rotate SSL certificate (NOTE: This will restart your VM, pl save any of your work before performing this action.)

It may take some time to complete this action, you can monitor the progress on the right top corner of the environment page. Sometimes, the screen doesn't refresh automatically, you may need to refresh the browser after a few mins. This action normally takes 45 min.   

Once that is done and your environment is showing up and running on LCS you can try to access it. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

April 01, 2021

How to get meta data of an Data Entity MSDynD365

Hi Folks,

Here we got one awesome update on D365FO data management, now you get metadata of any data entity in a very useful format in an excel file.  You will get the below information for each data entity.

Let's see how to get that, go to the "Data management" workspace and click on the "Data entity" tile.
Select your data entity and in the menu bar select the "Get metadata" button.

The system will download the metadata in an excel file even for any custom field or entire custom data entity, pl find below a sample file for the Vendor Group.


-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

January 28, 2021

QuickFix: Maintenance mode doesn't activate

Hi Folks,

While trying to bring your Tier-1 environments in maintenance mode using SSMS, system may take longer than expected even after multiple time ISS reset using CMD.

Try this, Open Visual studio (type DevEnv in windows search bar) and click 'Dynamics 365' menu then select ‘Restart IIS Express’ this will bring your system into maintenance mode immediately.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

June 01, 2016

Extensible Data Security Framework in MS Dynamics AX 7

This feature replaces the record level security feature available in earlier releases of AX. The extensible data security framework or XDS policy framework enables developers and administrators to secure data in shared tables such that users have access to only the part of the table that is allowed by the enforced policy.
1. Improved filters for data security
2. Data security based on effective date
3. Data security policy concept

1. Constrained table
2. Primary table
3. Policy query
4. Context

Step 1: Create a query
Step 2: Create a policy
Step 3: Add constrained table or view
Step 4: Configure the context

This post referred from here

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us. @Facebook

September 07, 2013

Axapta Application file extensions

Dynamics Ax Application file extensions

In Axapta we found a lot of file extensions are used. Each and every extension have a logical name, so you can easily identify their purpose. The extensions have 3 characters.

Most of these files are located in the application folder (AX 2009):
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Application\Appl\[your_application]

The first character indicates the owner of the file:

a: application
k: kernel

The second character indicates the content of the file:
l: label
o: object
t: text
d: developer documentation
h: help

And the third character indicates the type of file:
d: data
i: index
c: cache
t: temporary

Using this logic, we can easily name all file extensions, and understand their purpose.

In the application folder:
ALD : Application Label Data files
These files contain the labels and label comments for a specific language of a label file.

ALC : Application Label Cache files
These files contain the application label cache. These files can be deleted when the AOS is stopped.

ALI : Application Label Index files
The .ali files contain an index to the .ald files. These files can be deleted when the AOS is stopped.

ALT : Application Label Temporary files
These files contain new labels before they are committed to the .ald file.

AOI : Application Object Index file
The AOI file contains an index to the AOD files. You can delete this file when the AOS is stopped. Be sure to delete this when you have copied layers from one AX installation to an other.

ADD : Application Developer Documentation Data files
These files contain the documentation that is found under the Application Developer Documentation node. These files are localized, just like label files.

ADI : Application Developer Documentation Index files
This is the index to the ADD file.

AHD : Application Help Data files
The AHD file contains the documentation aimed at the end user. In the AOT, this is found in the “Application Documentation” node

AHI : Application Help Index files
This is the index to the AHD file.

AOD : Application Object Data file
This is the ‘AX layer file’, each of these files represents one layer.

KHD : Kernel Help Documentation files
These files contain the kernel help documentation you can find in the AOT in the tree node System Documentation.

KHI : Kernel Help Index files
The KHI file is the index to the Kernel Help file.

Located in Server/bin:

KTD extension: Kernel Text Data file
This file contains system text strings. These are used in the interface of AX and for system messages.

KTI extension: Kernel Text Index file
This is the index to the KTD file.


April 22, 2013

Configuration and Security Keys in Axapta

Configuration and Security Keys in Axapta

Security Keys
Microsoft Dynamics AX consists of a number of modules. For example, General Ledger, Project, and Administration. To make it easier for an administrator to set up security keys, they are organized the same way for all modules. Only nine security keys are allowed for each module in the Navigation Pane.
Security keys allow administrators to set security on a user group level. Minimizing access on a user group level helps to reduce the attack surface against potential attacks.
Applying Security Keys

The main reasons to apply user-level security are to:
  • Allow users to do only their designated tasks.
  • Protect sensitive data in the database.
  • Prevent users from inadvertently breaking an application by changing code or objects on which the application depends.
You need to apply a security key to:
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Menus
  • Menu items
  • Form controls
  • Report controls
To create security keys in Microsoft Dynamics AX:
  1. Expand the Data Dictionary node in the Application Object Tree (AOT).
  2. Right-click the Security Keys node, and then select New Security Key.
  3. Right-click the security key object, and then click Properties.
  4. Rename the security key by modifying the Name property.
  5. Right-click the object, and then click Create from the shortcut menu.
  6. Right-click the object, and then click Save from the shortcut menu.
  7. Right-click the object again, and then click Check In. This opens the Check in form.
Security Key Properties:

Property Rules
ID Always ship a security key with the same ID as it has been shipped with before.
If you try to create a new security key with an ID that has already been used for a security key in Microsoft Dynamics AX, an error will occur.
Name One of the nine security keys on a branch (the parent) should take the name of the module. For example, BOM. The other keys (up to eight more on a branch) should have the name of the module followed by one of the following suffixes: Daily, Journals, Inquiries, Reports, Periodic, Setup, Misc, or Tables. For example, BOMReports, BOMSetup, and LedgerPeriodic.
Enterprise Portal keys should have a prefix of EP followed by the name of the role. For example, EPAdmin and EPConsultant. Additional security keys for the role should take one of these suffixes: Misc, Info, Report, or Task. For example, EPAdminInfo and EPConsultantTask.
Application Integration Framework (AIF) keys should be the same as the name used for the service. The format is the module that the service is contained in, the document name, followed by Service. For example, in the Sales module, SalesSalesOrderService.
If you attempt to create a security key with a name that has already been used for a security key in Microsoft Dynamics AX, an error will occur.

Label Mandatory property.
AnalysisVisibility Mandatory property for top-level security keys (keys that have no parent key). 
Set to High for any key that corresponds to a core module in Microsoft Dynamics AX, for example, Ledger.
Set to Low for keys associated with tables that will not usually be used for reporting.
Set to None for keys associated with system functionality that should not be shown for end-user reporting.

Configuration Keys

Configuration keys should be defined so that the installation can be set up with only the features needed for each particular installation. By disabling configuration keys, administrators can reduce the potential surface of attack, thereby helping to increase the security of their Microsoft Dynamics AX installation.
Configuration keys allow administrators to enable or disable features in the application for all users. Disabling features helps to minimize the attack surface against potential attacks.
Applying Configuration Keys

Configuration keys are applied to:
  • Tables
  • Fields
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Menus
  • Menu items
  • Form controls,
  • Report controls
  • Extended data types
  • Enumerations
Configuration keys are applied by setting the ConfigurationKey property on these objects in the Application Object Tree (AOT).
Creating Configuration Keys

To create a configuration key
  1. Expand the Data Dictionary node in the AOT.
  2. Right-click the Configuration Keys node, and then select New Configuration Key.
  3. Right-click the configuration key object, and then click Properties.
  4. Rename the configuration key by modifying the Name property.
  5. Right-click the object, and then click Create on the shortcut menu.
  6. Right-click the object, and then click Save on the shortcut menu.
  7. Right-click the object again, and then click Check In. This opens the Check in form.
configuration key Properties:

Property Rules
ID Always ship a configuration key with the same ID as it has been shipped with before.
If you attempt to create a new configuration key with an ID that has already been used for a configuration key in Microsoft Dynamics AX, an error will occur.
Name Follow the standard Naming Conventions.
If you attempt to create a configuration key with a name that has already been used for a configuration key in Microsoft Dynamics AX, an error will occur.
for complete Post plz follow below link

Configuration and Security Keys Best Practice Checks


January 02, 2013

How to Restrict Multiple Time login of a same user

Hi Folks,

Many times intentionally or unintentionally a user may open multiple session of AX. That surly impact your performance. So here is a fix,
1.     Go to AOT
2.     Open class ‘Info’
3.     Copy Paste the Following Code in startupPost method.

void startupPost ()
// To restrict user login form second login
xSession session;
SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;
UserId currentUserId;
int counter;
currentUserId = curUserId();
if(currentUserId!="Admin")// only Admin User is allowed to login multiple time
while select SysClientSessions
where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId &&
SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout
session = new xSession(SysClientSessions.SessionId, true);
if (session && session.userId())
Box::stop("Already Logged-in : The same user id can't log in twice.");

Please take backup of your application before copying code


December 05, 2012

Dynamics Ax Layers

 Dynamics Ax Layers

Dynamics AX 2009 consists of sixteen application object layers that contain all the
elements you see in the AOT.
These layers can be looked at as an onion with multiple layers. In the middle is the
core application in the SYS layer and the outermost layer is the user layer USR.
Therefore, when any application element is being executed the system will look at
the outermost code layer first to see if there is any code for that element; if not, it peels a layer off the onion, and tries the next layer. When it hits a layer where the element exists, it will use the code from this layer, and will not continue to peel off layers to find code for that element in the innermost layers.
Layers with their description

SYS The standard application is implemented at the lowest level,
the SYS layer.The application objects in the standard
application can never be deleted.

GLS Country/region specific changes will be developed in GLS
Layer.For e.g as you all know that Tax structure differs
from country to country.So such localization functionality
can be developed in GLS layer.

HFX HFX is an application object patch layer reserved by
Microsoft for future patching or other updates.

SL1, SL2,or SL3 A layer where the distributor can implement
vertical partner solutions.

BUS When a business partner creates their own generic solution,
their modifications are saved in the BUS layer and the top-
level application objects are used.

VAR Value Added Resellers (VAR) can make modifications or new
developments to the VAR layer as specified by the customers
or as a strategy of creating an industry-specific solution.
Such modifications are saved in the VAR layer.

CUS The supervisor or administrator of an end user installation
might want to make modifications that are generic to the
company. Such modifications are saved in the CUS (CUStomer)

USR End users might want to make their own modifications, such
as in their reports.These modifications are saved in the USR

November 16, 2012

How to run Client Batches on AX 2009

How to run Client Batches on AX 2009

In AX 2009 the batch engine has been changed to run as a service.
The batch services do only process server batches they don't process client batches aynmore.

There might still be some situations where you would like to run client batches.
The following description explains how to do this.

  • Create a new batch group 'Client' which is used for client batches later.
    (Administration -> Setup -> Batch groups)
  • Add this batch group to an AOS acting as batch server.
    (Administration -> Setup -> Server configuration)
    This is needed to change the status from 'Waiting' to 'Ready' on the batch tasks and to 'Execute' on the batch jobs.
    The batch server will not process any client batches.
  • Start the legacy batch client
    (Basic -> Periodic -> Batch -> Processing)
  • Select the new created batch group 'Client' and press 'OK'
The client batch server will now process all client batches of the 'Client' batch group.

November 08, 2012

Create Alert using X++ codes

Create Alert using X++ codes

Sometimes Infolog message is not sufficient enough for prompting information to users. It is possible to create alert message using code as an alternative. It is fairly simple to create alert message manually by just inserting a new record in EventTable where all the alert messages are stored. Below is a code snippet for creating alert using code in AX 2009.
Try following code......

static void CreateAlertUsingCode(Args _args)
EventInbox          inbox;
inbox.ShowPopup     = NoYes::Yes;
inbox.Subject       = "This is the Alert subject";
inbox.Message       = "This is the Alert message";
inbox.AlertedFor    = "This alert is just information no links are available";
inbox.SendEmail     = false;
inbox.UserId        = curuserid();
inbox.TypeId        = classnum(EventType);
inbox.AlertTableId  = tablenum(Address);
inbox.AlertFieldId  = fieldnum(Address, Name);
inbox.TypeTrigger   = EventTypeTrigger::FieldChanged;
inbox.CompanyId     = curext();
inbox.InboxId       = EventInbox::nextEventId();;
inbox.AlertCreatedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
- Harry

September 08, 2012

Security Keys in Ax

Security Keys in Ax

Dynamics Ax provides following keys to provide the security for your application

1.License Keys :

It is the First Level Security , specifies what all featues/modules/developemnt tools we can access in the standard product. License Keys will be used after installation to unlock the product. License Keys will be issued by the microsoft for partners/vendors to develop vertical/generic solutions.

2.Configuration Keys :

It is Second Level Security , To Enable/Disable the object/feature for all the users.

3.Security Keys :

These keys used for enable/disable any object/features to group of users.

4. Record Level security :

Basically it deals with the data , if you want to restrict the viewing of records per user group than we setup record level security.


August 08, 2012

Update multiple records with 'Fill Utility'

Update multiple records with 'Fill Utility'

The Fill utility enables authorized users and/or administrators to mass-update records, similar to the find and replace functionality. We can use an alternative method also to Update Multiple records in Grid.
this utility assists administrators or users during implementations/Development or when business process changes affect multiple records.
1> It is recommended practice to take backup of entire database before performing this 'Fill Utility' operation.
2> It is recommended to use this feature during implementations/Development (or) when business process changes affect multiple records.
3> Please follow the standard procedure to enable this configuration. This may require restart of AOS & Data dictionary sync to make sure changes take immediate effect.
4> Be aware that changing numerous records at the same time can be time-consuming.
Enable configuration key:
Path: Dynamics Ax > Administration > Setup > System > Configuration > Under Administration tree (Enable 'Fill Utility' option)
Fill Utility usage:
Open the form that contains the field to update.
Example:  Dynamics Ax > Accounts Receivable > Common forms > Customer details > Select required customer record > payment tab

Right click on the field 'Ledger account' field > Record info

Click button 'Fill Utility'

We can select the criteria here
Click button 'OK'

Validate the records and click 'OK'

Select new 'Terms of payment' = N045 (here we have to specify new terms of payment)
Click 'OK'
Caution: Be aware that changing numerous records at the same time can be time-consuming.
Fill Utility log:
Path: Dynamics Ax > Basic > Inquiries > Fill Utility log

Security key: Adminfillutility
This completes 'Fill Utility' feature details from usage.
This a very useful to update multiple records at the same time.
- Harry

August 07, 2012

August 06, 2012

How to configure Automatic shutdown FOR ALL USER

How to configure Automatic shutdown FOR ALL USER

Hi friends,
This a very common issue for companies which have a limited Ax user license.  User just remain idle for a log time and eat license. To overcome this problem  we can set the automatic shut down for  user who Remains Idle For Few/Many Minutes in Axapta.

To do this go to Menu –> Tools –> Option as shown in following screen.


After click on Option menu here a new window will open.

Here u can set the minutes for automatic shut down .
Note:- This configuration will remain same for ALL USERS. It is not user specific. SO Be care full to choose the best Idle time for Automatic shutdown.
- Harry