November 08, 2012

Create Alert using X++ codes

Create Alert using X++ codes

Sometimes Infolog message is not sufficient enough for prompting information to users. It is possible to create alert message using code as an alternative. It is fairly simple to create alert message manually by just inserting a new record in EventTable where all the alert messages are stored. Below is a code snippet for creating alert using code in AX 2009.
Try following code......

static void CreateAlertUsingCode(Args _args)
EventInbox          inbox;
inbox.ShowPopup     = NoYes::Yes;
inbox.Subject       = "This is the Alert subject";
inbox.Message       = "This is the Alert message";
inbox.AlertedFor    = "This alert is just information no links are available";
inbox.SendEmail     = false;
inbox.UserId        = curuserid();
inbox.TypeId        = classnum(EventType);
inbox.AlertTableId  = tablenum(Address);
inbox.AlertFieldId  = fieldnum(Address, Name);
inbox.TypeTrigger   = EventTypeTrigger::FieldChanged;
inbox.CompanyId     = curext();
inbox.InboxId       = EventInbox::nextEventId();;
inbox.AlertCreatedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
- Harry

November 07, 2012

SysQueryRangeUtil class -Use method name as query criteria(Reports)

SysQueryRangeUtil class - use method name as query criteria

This is a cool new feature in AX 2009 - you can now use a method name instead of literal value in query criteria!

For example, if you run a report every month, previously you need to change the date criteria in each month you running the report 
(ie.“01/06/2010..30/06/2010”,  “01/07/2010..31/07/2010”, etc).
Now you only need to enter (monthRange(0, 0)) which will automatic return the correct first day and last day of the month.

For Example: - 

You can also refer to the SysQueryRangeUtil class – there are a lot of useful methods such as dateRange(), currentEmployeeId(), etc. It’s also possible to create new method on this class for special purpose. But do this with caution.

- Harry