March 08, 2013

Installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2

Here are step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2 on Windows 7. It’s provided in response to questions posted on my step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle 11gR1 on Windows 7. For reference, I posted the former because it didn't work without intervention. I hadn't updated step-by-step instructions because Oracle Database 11g Release 2 has always worked for me when installing on Windows 7.
A number of students and blog readers have mentioned that it didn't work for them. My guess is that they had configuration issues within the Windows 7 environment. There are some Windows 7 configuration caveats before you perform this installation, and they are:
Windows 7 Configuration Steps
  1. Make sure you have at least 3 GB of memory on your Windows PC, or that you can allocate 4 GB of memory to your virtual machine (the latter typically requires 8 GB of real memory to avoid extensive disk caching of memory).
  2. Install Oracle’s SJDK and run time for Java 6 or 7 on Windows 7 (I installed Java 7). Although either work with the database, you need the Java 6 SDK 32-bit version (at least SJDK 1.6.0_4) for Oracle SQL Developer. This means you need to download the 32-bit version even when you’re installing the 64-bit Oracle Database 11g version.
  3. Disable Microsoft’s User Access Controls (UAC). I blogged about a set of Windows 7 gripes, and the second point shows you the screen shots that let you disable UAC on Windows 7.
  4. Configure your C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file. Use lines 1 through 3 when you’re using a DHCP IP address, and lines 1 through 4 when you’re using a static IP address.  Please note that the hostnameneeds to be lowercase.
1 localhost 
2 ::1 localhost
3 agarwalax
4 agarwalax 

  1. Create a user account name that doesn’t have a white space, like McLaughlinM in the screen shots, and assign it Administrator privileges.
  2. The Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) uses port ranges above 5,000, which according to Microsoft requires that you set MaxUserPort key in the Windows Registry. You can find more details at this Microsoft Support page. Personally, I haven’t found this necessary and after adding it to please somebody without setting it everything ran fine in Windows 7.

Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
Value Name

Value Type

Value Data

Value Range
5000-65534 (decimal)

Value Default
0×1388 (5000 decimal)

This parameter controls the maximum port number that is used when a program requests any available user port from the system. Typically, ephemeral (short-lived) ports are allocated between the values of 1024 and 5000 inclusive. After the release of security bulletin MS08-037, the behavior of Windows Server 2003 was changed to more closely match that of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. For more information about Microsoft security bulletin MS08-037

Oracle 11g Release 2 Installation Steps

  1. The Oracle Database 11g Release 2 files are broken down into two zip files on the Oracle site. That means you need to download both files, and then expand them into an installation directory. I called my installation directory C:\OracleInstall, but you can call it whatever works for you. Here’s a screen shot of the directory after expanding both compressed files (done with WinZip 15).

You should notice that the two expanded compressed files put everything into a database directory (or folder). Within the installation folder (C:\OracleInstall\database), you double click on the oui icon to launch (start) the Oracle Universal Installer. It’ll open a command prompt that may dwell on the screen for a few seconds up to maybe fifteen seconds.

  1. It’s a good idea to provide an email address for security updates no matter what. You can unchecked the box if you don’t want updates via Oracle Support Services. Click the Next button to continue.

  1. Most developers want to Create and configure a database. If that’s your desire, leave the default radio button checked. Click the Next button to continue.

  1. Most developers install their test instance on a desktop or laptop. If that’s your desire, leave the defaultDesktop Class radio button checked. Click the Next button to continue.

  1. These are default settings and generally the easiest to use. I’d suggest you change the Character Set drop down to Unicode. Then, enter a password twice. Oracle requires that you use at least one capital letter and one number in a 6 character or more long password. Click the Next button to continue.

  1. The next screen is a progress bar that checks for prerequisites. You shouldn't have to do anything here because it automatically advances you to the next dialog screen. This generally takes less than a minute to run but can take two or so. If you’re much beyond 3 minutes there may be a resource problem with your Windows PC or virtual machine.

  1. This shows you all the selected values for the installation. Unless you want to abort the installation, click the Finish button to proceed.

  1. This screen is the main progress bar, and you’ll be here somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes. The downside is that there are some dialog that will popup during this phase and you need to authorize them, so it’s a bad time to take a break.

  1. The first popup screen requires you to authorize the Java run time to call home. You should click the Allow Access button to proceed.

  1. When the progress bar starts configuring the instance, failures can occur. The first may occur during the network configuration, which typically happens if you didn't preconfigure the hosts file. You don’t need to do anything but watch here unless the installer triggers an error.

  1. The following progress bar is launched by the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant. It typically runs without a problem. You don’t need to do anything but watch here unless the installer triggers an error. This takes a few minutes, and unfortunately requires you to stick aroung to again authorize Java.

  1. The second popup screen requires you to authorize the Java runtime to call home. You should click theAllow Access button to proceed.

  1. The third and last popup screen asks you to whether you want to open other scheme. Generally, you should click the OK button to proceed.

  1. The next dialog shows you that the network and database instances are configured. It’s also running the OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager) installation. You can wait here but it won’t be a long wait.

  1. This is the last dialog and says you’ve installed Oracle Database 11g Release 2 successfully. You can theClose button to complete the installation.


March 07, 2013

Document handling via X++

In my previous post  Document handling In Dynamics ax, I post step by step tutorial to use base functionality of document handling. Today I Shared dirty code for document handling via X++ code.
Well, Document handling a great feature of Axapta; It really just depends on what your application requires. For instance, one application was based upon the sales order having a certain document attached to a sales order based on upon a custom enumeration.  So the button has a name like an invoice declaration for instance. 
If the button is clicked two menu options appear 
– Add document or 
- View document; 

*If the add document button is clicked
The select file dialog appears and the user selects a file and clicks OK. At this point, the file is written to the document handling table with the custom enumeration marked as “Invoice declaration”. 

*If the view document option is selected and there is a file to view, 
The standard documentation form will appear and the document will automatically be launched for viewing. 

What I decided to do is was find the lasted record with the enumeration set as the button that is being clicked. I pass RecId of this record using args to the Document handling form so when the form is launched I have access to the recId of the record I want to see. I set a class declaration variable of type Int64 to the recId of being passed in so I have access to the variable all over the form. This way I can use the variable in conditional statements to determine if I want to execute code. Below I will demonstrate how to insert a record in the document handling form and how I view a document of selection from the document handling form from the calling form.

Loading a document from the sales order to the document handling table

    Args                            args = new args();
    formrun                         FormRun;
    filenameSave                    filename;
    Args                            args1 = new args();
    wfsEMSalesOrderDocumentation    wfsEMSalesOrderDocumentation;
    docuref                         docuref;
    form                            form2;
    FilenameFilter                  _conFilter;
    filename                        file;
    recid                           docuvaluerecid;
    docuvalue                       docuvalue;
    int                             hwnd;//wfs ctodd 6/21/2012

        _conFilter = ['All FIles','*.*'];
         hWnd = element.hWnd();
        file = WinAPI::getOpenFileName(infoLog.hWnd(),_conFilter,'','Select Document Path');
            docuref.TypeId = "File";
            docuref.Name   = "Commercial Invoice";
            docuref.Notes  = docuRef.Notes;
            docuRef.Restriction  = DocuRestriction::External;
            docuref.RefCompanyId = SalesTable.dataAreaId;
            docuref.WfsExportType = wfsexporttype::CommercialInv;
            docuref.RefTableId   = tablenum(SalesTable);
            docuref.RefRecId     = SalesTable.RecId;

           docuref.ValueRecId = docuvalue.RecId;
           docuvaluerecid = docuvalue.RecId;

           select forupdate docuvalue where docuvalue.recid == docuvaluerecid;
           docuvalue =  docuvalue::writeDocuValue(docuref,file);

Viewing a file to the document handling table from the sales order table

     Args                            args = new args();
    formrun                         FormRun;
    filenameSave                    filename;
    Args                            args1 = new args();
    wfsEMSalesOrderDocumentation    wfsEMSalesOrderDocumentation;
    docuref                         docuref;
    form                            form2;
    FilenameFilter                  _conFilter;
    filename                        file;
    recid                           docuvaluerecid;
    docuvalue                       docuvalue;

        args = new Args();;
        select reverse docuRef  order by createdDateTime 
where Docuref.RefTableId == salesTable.TableId 
     && docuRef.RefRecId == salesTable.RecId 
     && docuRef.WfsExportType == wfsExportType::CommercialInv;


        FormRun = classfactory.formRunClass(args);


When viewing my document I want to pass in the record I want to see from the document handling form
//This is the document handling form init method

void init()
    DocuType                            docuType;
    FormBuildMenuButtonControl          menuCtrl;
    FormBuildFunctionButtonControl      itemButtonCtrl;

    if (! infolog.parmDocuHandlingActive())
    if (infolog.parmDocu().isDocuViewSet())
        throw Exception::Info;
    optionView = new DocuOptionView();

    docuTypeIdFile = DocuType::typeFile();

    menuCtrl = this.form().design().control(#ctrlBuildAdd);
    while select docuType
        index TypeIdx
        itemButtonCtrl = menuCtrl.addControl(FormControlType::MenuFunctionButton,docuType.TypeId);

//Here I set my variable exportRecId to the recId of the parameter I passed in using args
    if(element.args().caller().name() == formstr(wfsEMExportSales)) // dms
 exportRecId = str2int64(element.args().parm());

    formSplitter_Y = new SysFormSplitter_Y(grpSplit,grpRefGrid,this);

Here is the init method on the datasource DocuRef I need to create a query range

void init()
    Query           q;
    QueryBuildDataSource qB;

    q = new Query();
    qB = q.addDataSource(tablenum(DocuRef));
    criteriaRefCompanyId    = qB.addRange(fieldnum(DocuRef,RefCompanyId));
    criteriaRefTableId      = qB.addRange(fieldnum(DocuRef,RefTableId));
    criteriaRefRecId        = qB.addRange(fieldnum(DocuRef,RefRecId));
    criteriaCreatedBy       = qB.addRange(fieldnum(DocuRef,CreatedBy));

    I create a range for the recId of the record being passed in. This is checked with a condition
 We don't want to create the range if no value exists in exportRecId

 recIdRange = qB.addRange(fieldnum(DocuRef,recId));

    this.cacheAddMethod(tablemethodstr(DocuRef, isValueAttached));

The executeQuery of DocuRef which will perform the query execution of the form for that datasource

void executeQuery()
    if (element.isActualFound())

    If my variable has a value then we pass that value to the range I created in the 
 in the init method


Again I use the variable exportRecId to determine if the document should automatically
be viewed when launching from the sales order form. So basically if I have the recId
from a caller I want the document to be automatically launched

void run()
