April 01, 2013

Get Current Company in AX

Get Current Company in AX

Below is the example on how to get current company in AX 2009.
In AOT > Jobs, paste the following code:

static void curExtExample(Args _arg)
    str curCompany;
    // Sets curCompany to the extension of the current company.
    curCompany= curExt();
    print "Current extension is " + curCompany;

You can use this code in your forms and reports also to parameterized your reports/Forms.


Get the latest exchange rates in Dynamics AX 2012 [Using X++]

Get the latest exchange rates in Dynamics AX 2012 Using X++

Below small snippet will help you to get the latest exchange rates as on today.
I am using x-rates URL to pull the exchange rates for this example. 
Note: Please check and verify this web URL before using it [free source or not].


static void SR_getExchangeRates(Args _args)
int curPos, endPos, startPos;
TextBuffer tb = new TextBuffer();
System.Net.WebRequest webRequest;
System.Net.WebResponse webResponse;
str page;
System.IO.StreamReader streamReader;
webRequest = System.Net.WebRequest::Create("http://www.x-rates.com/d/INR/table.html");
// this will throw an webexception if cannot be reached.
webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
streamReader = newSystem.IO.StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
page = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
curpos = 1;
startPos = 1;
tb.find(‘<a href="/d/INR/USD/graph120.html" class="menu">’, curpos);
startpos = tb.matchPos();
tb.find(‘</a>&nbsp;</font></td>’, startpos);
endpos = tb.matchPos();
page = tb.subStr(startpos, endpos – startpos);
info(strFmt("1 USD = %1 INR",strreplace(page,‘<a href="/d/INR/USD/graph120.html" class="menu">’,”)));
// Close the webResonse
throw error(AifUtil::getClrErrorMessage());
Below is the output:


You can integrating the exchange rates in to the tablesExchangeRate , ExchangeRateType , ExchangeRateCurrencyPair

To get exchange rates for other currencies you may need to modify the URL  as shown below. [Change INR to EUR etc.]


