June 27, 2013

Application Integration Framework Overview

Application Integration Framework Overview

Application Integration Framework (AIF) is the infrastructure within Microsoft Dynamics AX with which you can expose business logic or exchange data with other systems. AIF is comprised of three primary components:
  • Services - Enable you to expose business logic written in X++ as a service to be consumed by other applications. Within Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can create, customize, and publish services.
  • Document services - A specific implementation of services in which the Microsoft Dynamics AX business logic is exposed through document services.
  • Consume Web services - In Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can consume external Web services from your X++ code.

    For origional post follow below link

June 20, 2013

Creating Vendors through X++ in AX 2012- PART V

Creating Vendors through X++ in AX 2012- PART V

--Create bank details for the vendor--

private void createBankDetails(WI_VendorRequestCreate          _vendorRequestCreate,
                               VendAccount                     _vendAcc)
    VendBankAccount         vendBankAccount;
    LogisticsLocation       lLogisticsLocation;
    LogisticsPostalAddress  logisticsPostalAddress;
    lLogisticsLocation.Description      = _vendorRequestCreate.FirstName;
    logisticsPostalAddress.Street       = _vendorRequestCreate.VendBankAddress;
    logisticsPostalAddress.Address      = _vendorRequestCreate.VendBankAddress;
    logisticsPostalAddress.Location     = lLogisticsLocation.RecId;
    vendBankAccount.AccountID           = subStr(_vendorRequestCreate.BankAccount,1,10);
    vendBankAccount.Name                = _vendorRequestCreate.BankAccount;
    vendBankAccount.AccountNum          = _vendorRequestCreate.BankAccountNum;
    vendBankAccount.VendAccount         = _vendAcc;
    vendBankAccount.CurrencyCode        = _vendorRequestCreate.CurrencyCode;
    vendBankAccount.BankGroupID         = BankAccountTable::find(vendBankAccount.AccountID).BankGroupId;
    vendBankAccount.Location            = lLogisticsLocation.RecId;
    vendBankAccount.WI_BeneficiaryName  = _vendorRequestCreate.BeneficiaryName;

Check below posts for more details
