May 05, 2015

Error while Unit Testing [AX 2012 R3]

Hi All,
I was facing below error while running test cases for a customization. 

  • An internal error occurred in the remove operation in the SysTestRecordCleanUp#Context object cache.
  • A critical error has occurred in function SysTestRecordCleanUp::cleanUpContext.
  • An error has occurred. Contact your administrator for further assistance.

  • clip_image001 
    Solution: However i am not very much sure why this error was coming and what is the main reason for this, but I used below steps and its resolved this issue.
    1. Stop to AOS
    2. Delete AUC files from below path.
    3. Restart AOS.
    Try now, it should work fine.

    April 26, 2015

    How to delete AUC files

    During many development we face some cache related issues. There is no error in code and still changes are not reflecting. Even after performing CIL, Compile and Sych but issue still existing. All these are happened due to ax_{GUID}.auc files. We need to clear(delete) these files from Appdata folder.
    To delete AUC(Application Unicode Cache) files we need to perform below steps.
    1. Stop AOS
    2. Delete AUC files from below path
    3. Restart AOS.
    PS: AOS restart is not mandatory. Its better to do it in this way however it will work without AOS restart.
    More details on AUC