July 13, 2017

Important links for Dynamics 365

Hi Folks,

Here are some important links that you check for your routine work, update, RnD, submit a suggestion and many more. 

PS: Photo taken from MS site.

July 11, 2017

How to use Form event ‘OnInitialized’ in Dynaics365

Hi Folk,

In Dynamics365 there are many standard events on Forms, similarly like standard methods on a different node of form. Let’s see how we can use ‘OnInitialized’ event on Form Data source and use form object into a different call.

Scenario: On from ‘ProjAdjustmentSplit’ I want to enable/disable a field on a certain condition. As D365 urge to not to customize ant standard object than write EventHandlers to achieve your requirement. In an earlier version of AX, we simply write this logic either on Form Active method or from DS init method. Here we have to use EventHandlder for the same.  Here we will use ‘OnInitialized’ method and will write an event handler for the same.

Let’s take a look.

Approach: Follow the below step to get this done,

Step 1: Right-click on “OnInitialized’ method and select ‘Copy event handler method’


Step 2: Create a new class and paste this method.
/// <summary>
     /// </summary>
     /// <param name="sender"></param>
     /// <param name="e"></param>
     [FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(ProjAdjustmentSplit, TmpProjAdjustmentSplit), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)]
     public static void TmpProjAdjustmentSplit_OnInitialized(FormDataSource sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs e)

Step 3: Use below code to access form object
TmpProjAdjustmentSplit      tmpProjAdjustmentSplit         = sender.cursor();
         FormDataSource              tmpProjAdjustmentSplit_ds      = sender.formRun().dataSource('TmpProjAdjustmentSplit');
         FormRun                     element                     = sender.formRun();
         FormControl                 projID;
         projID= element.design(0).controlName("TmpProjAdjustmentSplit_ProjId");

Step 4: After above declaration now wrtie your actual business logic.
if(ProjParameters::find().myParameter== NoYes::Yes)
Step 5: Now go to
Project management and accounting > Periodic > Transactions > Adjust transactions and click on the Adjust button to test your code.

Note: Try to add use the same code on your form and add more field using form control. Make sure you mark this control AutoDeclare = Yes on Form design.  Get the complete code here.
