October 15, 2018

Table Event handler methods in Dynamics 365 FO

Hi Guys,

In my last post Form Event hander methods in Dynamics 365 FO, we discussed different event handlers which available on Form.  Let’s continue this discussion with Table event handler method today.
Let’s see the different type of event handler in today’s post.
You need to add a new class to write the event handler methods. I would recommend adding one class to one table. To make it easy for another developer postfix the name by EH or eventHander or Hander so your teammate can identify if they need to add more business logic than create a new class from scratch.

1. Table onValidateField event handler

2. Table OnValidated event hander (same logic you can try for many other event hander)
[DataEventHandler(tableStr(InventLocation), DataEventType::ValidatedField)]
public static void InventLocation_onValidatedField(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)
InventLocation inventLocation = sender as InventLocation;
ValidateFieldEventArgs fieldArgs = e;
boolean ret;
InventLocation inventLocationLoc;
case fieldNum(InventLocation, field1):
if(inventLocation.MyWorkerAssociate != '')
<Your code/ business ogic/validation>
<ret = true or false>

Let me know if it helps you or you got some more example.

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September 23, 2018

RecordInserList class for optimized insert operation

Hi Folks,

RecordInsertList class is the really useful and fastest way to insert records in AX table(s). This method is useful you don't want to run any validation while insertion for an example; insert in a temp table or SSRS reports. 

Below is the simplest example of set based RecordInserList class,
void copyVendor()
    VendTable    sourceVend;
    MyTmpTable   targetVend;

    //RecordInserList calss decarion
    RecordInsertList VendList;

  //Object initialization
    VendList = new RecordInsertList(tableNum(Vendtable));

    while select sourceVend
    where sourceVend.vendgroupId == ‘Local’
        targetVend.vendorAccount = sourceVend.vendorAccount;
    VendList.insertDatabase(); //mandatory call

Another example from MSDN

public void tutorialRecordInsertList()
        MyTable myTable;
        RecordInsertList insertList = new RecordInsertList(
        int i;
        for ( i = 1; i <=  100; i++ )
            myTable.value = i;

RecordInserList class will capture all record in temp and hit The DataBase only once when we call insertDatabase(). add() insert certain blocks followed by insertDatabase to complete the insert operation. 
This is how we can reduce the SQL call and optimize the performance as well.


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