Integrating Axapta with Microsoft Outlook
In Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0, you can set up the Microsoft Office Outlook Integration to integrate contacts, tasks and appointments between Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Office Outlook.To set up the Microsoft Office Outlook Integration to integrate contacts, tasks and appointments between Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Office Outlook, follow these steps:
1. View the e-mail account setting in Control Panel, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Mail.
b. In the Mail Setup – Outlook dialog box, click E-mail Accounts.
Note If the profile is not set for the desired user, click Show profiles, change to use the correct profile, click Properties, and then click E-mail Accounts.
c. Click to select the View or change existing e-mail accounts option, and then click Next.
d. Click Change.
e. In the E-mail Accounts dialog box, note the user name in the User Name field, and then note the value in the E-mail Address field.
2. Verify that all information on the Microsoft Office Outlook tab is correct in the Employee dialog box. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Click Administration, and then click Users.
b. In the User dialog box, click a user, and then click User relations.
c. On the General tab, select the employee record that you try to integrate with the current user in Microsoft Dynamics AX in the Employee field.
d. Click Human Resources, click Employee, and then click the record that you selected in step 2c.
e. In the Employee dialog box, click the Contact information tab, and then specify the correct e-mail account information in the E-mail field. This information should match the value in the E-mail Address field in step 1e.
f. Click the Microsoft Office Outlook tab, and then view the information. You may notice that not all information is specified.
Note In this step, you must verify that the "Microsoft Office Outlook user Identification" setting matches the user name in the User Name field in step 1e. This will make sure that you can synchronize Microsoft Dynamics AX and the Outlook client on the computer.
3. Run the Use current Microsoft Office Outlook profile function to set the program to use the current Outlook profile. To do this, click Function, and then click Use current Microsoft Office Outlook profile.
4. Follow these steps to synchronize contacts, tasks and appointments between Microsoft Dynamics AX and Outlook:
a. Run the Pick contact Microsoft Office Outlook folder function.
b. Run the Pick task Microsoft Office Outlook folder function.
c. Run the Pick appointment Outlook folder function.

5. Click Save.
if you want to save send copy in your outlook then check the box