March 17, 2014

How to get User Roles for different available companies

How to get User Roles for different available companies

Hi Friends,

Recently i come to a user requirement, they need all employees details with they roles and permission within different companies.

So here the code to fetch respective details in text file.

static void UserRolebyCompany(Args _args)

    TextIo              txIoRead,txIoWrite;
    FileIOPermission    fioPermission;
    container           containFromRead;
    int                         xx,iConLength;
    str                         sTempPath,sFileName = "UserRolebyCompany.txt", sOneRecord;
    SecurityUserRole     SecurityUserRole;
    SecurityUserRoleCondition   SecurityUserRoleCondition;
    SecurityRole         SecurityRole ;
    UserInfo             userInfo;
    Company              comp;
    container            cont;

    //To Get the temporary file path.
    sTempPath = WINAPI::getTempPath();
    info("File is at: " + sTempPath + sFileName);

    // Assert permission for file.
    fioPermission = new FileIOPermission
        (sTempPath + sFileName ,"RW");

    // If the test file already exists, delete it.
    if (WINAPI::fileExists(sFileName))
        WINAPI::deleteFile(sTempPath + sFileName);
    // "W" mode overwrites existing content, or creates the file.
    txIoWrite = new TextIo( sTempPath + sFileName ,"W");
        while select SecurityUserRole
        cont = conNull();
        select SecurityRole  where SecurityRole .RecId == sur.SecurityRole;
        select userInfo where == SecurityUserRole.User;
        while select surc where SecurityUserRoleCondition.SecurityUserRole == SecurityUserRole.RecId
              cont += SecurityUserRoleCondition.DataArea;
            txIoWrite.write(strFmt("%1 -- %2 -- %3 -- %4 -- %5 -- %6",, userInfo.networkAlias,,SecurityUserRole.User, SecurityRole .Name,"ALL"));
            txIoWrite.write(strFmt("%1 -- %2 -- %3 -- %4 -- %5 -- %6",, 
userInfo.networkAlias,,SecurityUserRole.User, SecurityRole .Name,con2StrUnlimited(cont, ',')));

You can fetch your records in Excel file also by modify your code.


February 16, 2014

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook

My next review is of the Packt's new title Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Administration Cookbook , I have started reading the it. The review will follow.

Click here to know more about this book
