August 31, 2014

Error While deplying SSRS report DAX 2012 R2/R3

 Hi Folks,

Here is one more troubleshoot for SSRS report. Please check my previous post for similar errors and solutions.


A call to the Microsoft Dynamics AX SRSFrameworkService service failed. There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://####srv:8202/DynamicsAx/Services/BIServices that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Possible Reason: 
Inbound port deactivated.


Go System administration > Setup > Services & Application Integration Framework > Inbound ports.

Select BIServices port and activate it.

While activating you may one more error, and we will fix this as well :)

For that please follow below,

Goto AOT > Service Groups > BI Services, double check it has two services

Also check both services have the underline service operations:

If everything is correct then U can right click on BIServices service group and say Deploy Element.  

Enjoyyyyyyyy…. !!!


August 22, 2014

Error: When opening AX client

“The Microsoft Dynamics AX client cannot be started because more users are connected to the system than are allowed by the license.” 

Error: While opening the AX client system showing below error message.
“The Microsoft Dynamics AX client cannot be started because more users are connected to the system than are allowed by the license.”
However there is clearly mention in error that its an license issue, 
But the actual issue is we are not able to open the AX and without opening we can not change the license. Upppsss:).


This error should not come While there is only one user login the server and RDP.

SO to resolve this issue Try this:

1. Open SQL management studio
Run below query on AX data base

select * from sysclientsessions where STATUS = 1
there must be some records in this table

2. Stop AOS services
3. Now delete are records from this table
4. Now restart the AOS service and open the AX client.
5. You may need to change the license as well (If expired).
