May 07, 2020

[Solved] Logic app error while calling D365FO action GetAzureWriteUrl

  "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action GetAzureWriteUrl on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The blob with identifier  could not be obtained.\r\nclientRequestId: ###### ###",
  "error": {
    "message""An error has occurred.  Exception occurred while executing action GetAzureWriteUrl on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: The blob with identifier  could not be obtained."
  "errors": []

Possible reason:

If it's coming on newly added action than you are missing guid, If you modify anything on the action the guid parameter clears itself and you need to put it again.


Pass a unique value in the action parameter uniqueFileName  , you can write an expression for guid like guid().


Check out my other post on Logic app errors and solutions.

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.

May 02, 2020

How to get tableId of tables in D365FO

Hi Folks,

Now when we don't have the leverage of Jobs any more and if you need quick result when you are dealing with multiple tables, try below to get table Id

Option 1: D365FO browser
http://<Environment link>/?cmp=<LegalEntity>&mi=SysTableBrowser&TableName=SysTableIdView

Option 2: SQL server management studio
Run below query

select * from SysTableIdView

Of course, you can filter your queries based on your requirements. 

-Harry Follow us on Facebook to keep in rhythm with us.